Fall Greens Fees are in effect starting October 12
Greens are not aerated and won’t be in the month of October. It’s still a great time to play golf, why screw it up?
Our leagues are over, but we are still running the birdie pools for all of them and you can still take advantage of the league rates. (Actually $5 cheaper, but they no longer include a $5 lunch credit or an evening meal.)
Cranberry harvest will continue for the next 3 weeks or so at the golf course. There are a lot of moving parts so I can’t say what we’ll be doing on any given day, but if you come out you may be lucky enough to see us in action. The golf course will always remain open during harvest, but there may be a tee closed so we don’t put our workers in danger from errant golf balls.
Membership rates will be increasing for the 2022 season. We sold too many memberships in 2021, and we have a waiting list. Since our last membership price increase, our weekend greens fees with cart have increased from $47 to $57. With the price of labor and other inputs on a steep rise, the price will be $1,050 for a weekday pass or $1,350 for a seven day pass if you pay by January 7, 2022. If you don’t pay by that date, you will risk losing your membership to someone on the waiting list. Outside range balls will be an additional charge. We will not be offering memberships in the Barn. Realistically, we need to lose 15 weekday members before we go to the waiting list. We are not priced to be a private or semi-private golf course, we are a daily fee facility and our membership rates are reflective of that. We appreciate everyone’s support, and we want to give enough notice in case you want to explore membership options elsewhere.
Thank you for your support,
Willie, JD, Tanya, Scotty, Mike, and the rest of the Southers Marsh Team