League Information
Price: $46 entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, and a $5 lunch credit. (If you play after noon, the price is $41 but does not include a lunch credit.) There will be an additional $5 charge for those choosing to take an individual cart rather than sharing.
Prize Pools: $5 prize pool and optional $5 birdie pool
Who Can Play: Anyone Aged 55 and over
Registration Fees: None
Commitment: You only need to come when it is convenient for you
League Dates: April 1 – Columbus Day
Day and Time: Non-holiday Mondays, Any Time
Tee times are required.
Format: From the blue or yellow tees, Individual Quota based on your handicap. 4 pts for a birdie, 2 pts for a par, 1 pt for a bogey, and double bogeys and higher are 0 pts. After your quota is established, it will be adjusted on a weekly basis. See the Monday Senior League Rules for a more detailed breakdown.
If you are participating in the prize pools you need to play with another league member. If you are a single, please talk to the Pro Shop, we have a list of singles looking for playing partners.